The residents of Lockeland Springs are lucky to be so close to the city; there’s always something going on. From festivals and barbeques, this neighborhood is the place for fun.
You’ve never seen anything like Lockeland Springs in Tennessee. It is a neighborhood located only 2 miles away from the city of Nashville, and it has about 3,098 residents.
This area was named for John Haines Locklin (Locke), who purchased 100 acres to form what would later become this exclusive community with a southern charm that you can feel as soon as you enter its gates. In Lockeland Springs, there are many cute houses and a pond that is perfect for families to enjoy.
In case you’re looking for a neighborhood that is livable, Lockeland Springs should be on your list. This Nashville area scores an exceptional 77 out of 100 in the Livability Index.
That makes it one of 13 neighborhoods to rank better than 78% of other areas within the same city and 17th among all Tennessee communities when ranked by this criteria. With such impressive stats, it’s no wonder so many people who want to live here-it would make anyone happy.
Living in Lockeland Springs is not for the budget-conscious. The average cost of living there is 31% higher than the Nashville average, 16% higher than typical nationwide and housing costs are 59% higher when compared to the U.S. average.
This small town in Nashville,TN, has crime rates that are 182% higher than the national average. The most common crimes committed within this area include violent offenses, which occur at 255% of the U.S. rate–giving you only 1 in 15 chances to avoid becoming a victim when living here!
Read more: Barclay Drive, Nashville, TN
Living Lockeland Springs offers one advantage: it’s safer than 34% of other cities found across Tennessee…but if you have ever wanted or needed an escape from your hometown and want to see what life looks like outside its borders, now might be your chance because there sure isn’t any place quite as large anywhere close by.
Lockeland Springs is one of the richest and most economically stable cities in all of America. The average person earns about $2,814 more than a typical citizen stateside – that’s 64% higher!
Incomes are evenly distributed across gender lines, with men enjoying an extra 41%. Locals have access to jobs at 44% lower rates which translates into better opportunities for themselves as well as their families.
Lockeland Springs is a thriving community with strong academic performance, as evidenced by their school test scores. A whopping 92% of people in Lockeland Springs have completed 8th grade, and 92.7% of the town’s population has graduated high school.
Therefore, you can bet that this level of achievement means great opportunities for children living there who want to pursue higher education or professional careers like teaching and nursing.
Nashville Dumpster Rental Guys, 1305 Clinton Street, Nashville, Tennessee, 37203, (615) 637-9304