Belle Meade, Nashville TN

Belle Meade, TN, is a neighborhood located about 6.4 mi away from Nashville with a population of 2,704 people who enjoy the scenic beauty and serenity that comes along with living in this peaceful community.

The livability score for Belle Meade is exceptional, and it stands in 19th place of all Tennessee cities and 1,795th ranked area in America. It ranks better than 93% of places throughout the state with its livability score, which makes it a very desirable place to live for those who have high standards when it comes to life satisfaction.

Belle Meade is not your average Tennessee town. It’s the most expensive place to live in this state, and it has housing prices that are almost five times higher than the national standard.

The cost of living there is also much more expensive when compared with other states, too – 174% higher than what you would pay for a comparable product or service elsewhere in Tennessee!

But if money isn’t an issue, then Belle Meade might be just right for you because they have all those amenities: great schools, parks galore…you get where we’re going here?

Belle Meade is a prosperous community with an average income that’s 336% higher than the national median. Men earn 41% more on average, while median household income is 253% higher.

Belle Meade also boasts one of the lowest unemployment rates in America at 88%, which is significantly lower than the national rate of 10%. Poverty levels are 72% less common here as well – leading to even greater prosperity for those lucky enough to call this amazing place home.

Read more: Hermitage Hills, Nashville, TN

Belle Meade, Tennessee, is a small town with rich history and culture that has taken an important step in ensuring the safety of its citizens. The crime rates are 61% lower than the national average, as well as 91% less violent crimes per capita. This is safer than 83% of other cities in America.

This is a town where the school test scores are just as good, if not better, than that of other towns. 99% of residents have completed 8th grade, and 98.9% have finished high school, which shows how well they do with their education system compared to others who only graduate at 87%. 84.3 % of residents from Belle Mead also went on to get an undergraduate degree.

In the high population density Belle Meade, you’ll find some of Tennessee’s youngest and whitest residents. With a median age of 23% higher than in other parts of Tennessee, it is no surprise that 97.41% of its people are White.

Nashville Dumpster Rental Guys, 1305 Clinton Street, Nashville, Tennessee, 37203, (615) 637-9304