How far is Clarksville from Nashville?

Clarksville Tennessee is about midway between Nashville and Knoxville, Tennessee, at a distance of either city. [Remember that this article was written in 1875. Some other trivia for you. The Civil War had ended only 28 years earlier. Remember all the controversy surrounding the removal of the Confederate battle flag from atop Memphis City Hall? … Read more

What is Clarksville TN known for?

Clarksville TN is known for its many festivals, including the Tennessee Renaissance Festival, Apple Festival, and Springtime on the River. Clarksville TN is known for its many shopping facilities that include Hickory Hollow Mall, Fort Campbell Exchange (military exchange), several outdoor malls and shops, as well as its outlet mall in Kentucky (leaves my town … Read more

Is Clarksville TN safe?

What is Clarksville TN’s crime rate compared to other places in the US? Clarksville is safer than the average city of its size. We are in between Nashville and Knoxville and right on top of some really bad places (Knoxville – Memphis). If we compare Clarksville to other similar cities, we’re well above many and … Read more